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Scaling sustainable farm design

At Earthlings UP our goal is to be able to build the 4 acre sustainable farm model (detailed in our video here), and to create a community hub that will promote sustainable practices and preservation of natural lands, not only in this country but across the world.

We believe with the combination of these different practices of sustainable farming, conservation education and assistance, natural land preservation, upcycle/restoration techniques, nutritional education and more we can make a difference on the impact we have on the resources of this earth.

We hope you join us and be a part of creating a community driven towards ACTUALLY doing, building something real that brings together people focused on DOING.

We are in the beginning phase of getting 1000 subscribers. Once we have achieved this goal we will launch a crowd funding campaign to the masses and be able to fund the first farm(and possibly more!) We will not only be focused on getting the word out to the masses but like-minded social media outlets and hope they too see the importance of sustainability and pledge to create strong spokes throughout these community hubs.

Please sign up and make this a reality in your neighborhood and across the world. The first 1000 subscribers will be part of the beginning and their names will be cast in brick and used to create the butterfly garden walkway in the first farm built, and be part of something great.

Contributors will gain access to the green earthlings community group, receive project updates, invitations to special events, and reserve a front row to the opportunities Earthlings United for Peace creates as we move forward.


Aquaponics is the creation of a circular farming system that combines hydroponics and aquaculture. The nutrient rich water from the fish tanks are pumped into the vegetable grow beds and in turn feed the plants. The water is filtered by the plants soil layer. The filtered water is pumped back into the fish tank and circles back around again and again, eliminating the need for any added fertilizers and reduces water usage by 80% or more! Imagine the savings!


Vermiculture is the breeding and growing of fly maggots or worms that can be produced by the fish craps. Sounds gross but hang on, there is a purpose to the gross. These grubs are key in creating compost and make a protein-rich feed for fish and livestock. This, in combination with the aquaponics not only eliminates the cost of feed but can create another source of income with all natural fertilizer and compost sales.


Fungiculture is the growing of mushrooms. Did you know that the mushrooms we are used to eating with our meals have next to zero nutritional value? They’re basically just fillers. I know, right?! In this application we will be growing unique varieties of mushrooms that are rich in nutrients, vitamins AND known for their cancer fighting qualities. Mushrooms produce CO2 which plants love which adds more to the self sustainability of the farm. The mushrooms are a great source of additional income because the compost created in the process can be sold and the growing media sourced from local tree trimmers, coffee shops, and recycle centers.


Apiculture is the management and study of bees. All Earthlings UP farms will have a perimeter of local fruit bearing trees as well as various other typed of bee and butterfly friendly plants. This part will help create a richer diversity of the foods provided while offsetting production of carbon footprints, not to mention the superfood value honey has.


Permaculture is the development of agricultural ecosystems intended to sustainable and self sufficient by mirroring the natural design of ecosystems. The intention of creating this type of farming is to not rely on outside sources to sustain the farm and have a system that produces what it needs at every level. A system that can take thousands of pounds of trash every year and turn it into nutrient rich compost.

We are driven by the natural world

The combination of these practices on this scale has the potential to produce 1/2-1 million pounds of produce, 35,000 pounds of fish, 1,000’s of tons of processed compost, 1,000’s of pounds of honey, 20,000 of bug meal, and the list goes on… and all this on as little as 4 acres.

“”It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.””

-Theodore Roosevelt

Let’s work together and bring the world back to life and health to us all